5 Things That Everyone Loves About Hip Hop






Hip Hop whether you like it or not is the most popular and most influential music on the face of the planet! There is no denying this fact. And this is not a diss to other genres of music. Not at all. Hip hop artist have collaborated with artist from all genres of music, anything from Rock & Roll, R&B, Country, Jazz, reggae and pop.



Hip Hop is at the forefront of all the music genres in the world. Well how do we know this? It’s because hip hip has a major impact on mainstream society. The hip hop slang, clothes, music, and dances all make it to mainstream society and have all races and heritages mimicking what rappers do. This is an undeniable fact!


In this article I’m going to list 5 things that everyone loves about hip hop.



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1) Rap Music


It’s a fact that millions of people around the world love the genre and art form of rap music. it started out in the ghetto by black people in Bronx, NY and has now expanded all over the world. Now, not only black people consume the music but everyone of different races, creed, heritages and sexes.


Hip hop has turned more poor people into millionaires since its inception, than any other genre of music. Rap music will always be hailed as a pure art form that addresses social injustices, racism, sexism, police brutality, and inequality.








2) Urban Clothing


For many years now hip hop has lead the way in popular dress style. Everyone from young kids to adults are wearing what rappers wear. If a rapper wears gold or platinum grillz people are bound to follow, if Kanye Comes Out With New Shoes people all over the world want them.


If a rapper wears a new fitted or sports a new clothing brand, millions follow in pursuit in purchasing those items. Rappers are very fashionable and when they display that fashion on mainstream media, the world follows that fashion.




3) Hip Hop Activism


hip hop has the power to bring people together and bring about change in the world. Everything from rallying behind Obama with the Vote or Die Campaign or championing the Black Lives Matter movement within North America.


When hip hop cites a cause millions around the world listen and then take action towards supporting the movement. Hip Hop Activism has been apart of the culture since its inception and since it has the power to effect change, it will always be present.




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like hip hop music4) Slang and Urban Terminology


The slang we used in hip hop comes from urban communities. Rappers take the slang used in their neighborhoods and place them in rap songs.

Once they are placed in rap songs fans from all over the world listen to them and start using it in their daily vernacular.



For example, “Don’t Throw Me under The Bus” meaning don’t tell on me to make yourself look good, or don’t put me down. This phrase has been used widely in the mainstream media now a days.



I’ve seen news reporters and celebrities alike use this word. This word and countless others have been taken from the hip hop community and has contributed to its daily use by millions of people around the word. People use it because they think it’s cool. They think anything that comes from hip hop is cool because it’s said to be a young and hip genre of music and culture.






5) Hip Hop Dances

When the young rap artists comes up with a dance it slowly bubbles up in their local community, then youtube, then the world.

Since rap is known as the cool and hip thing to partake in everyone follows suit.


Dances like The Stanky Leg, The Soulja Boy Supa Man, The Nae Nae, The Milly Rock, and of course the infamous Dab; which Cam Newton and Steph Curry have adopted from the hip hop culture. When the new hottest dance comes out mainstream picks it up and starts mimicking it.



All of this is good because it spreads the culture of hip hop, and being apart of the culture myself, that’s all we want. We want to spread a culture that people once said was backward and the devil’s music, into now loving and adoring it; by mimicking everything they once said was bad about it. Gotta love the irony in that



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