Do Rappers Get Paid For Interviews

do rappers get paid for interviews


Many music want to know how media goes for artists. The question is often asked “Do Rappers Get Paid For interviews?”. It’s a great question seeing that rap artists seem to get paid for doing everything else.


As we outline in a previous article 5 Ways Rappers Make Money, it’s no mystery that rappers can make millions of dollars a year through a variety of way.



Do Rappers Get paid For Interviews?


In general the answer is no. How it works is that a media outlet has viewers that want to watch exclusive content; that being an interview in this case. A rap artist will do an interview to get exposure to that medias outlet.


The rap artist gets an opportunity to plug any up and coming tour dates, new release of music, and any other endeavors they may be pursuing. In return the media outlet gets to showcase the interview on their platform to keep their viewers engaged and interested in coming back to view more content.


It’s essentially a trade off. The rapper gains exposure which will potentially lead to them to profits, and the media outlet capture great content for their audience.


Related: How Much Do Rappers Make Per Show



Are there Cases When Rappers Do Get Paid For Interviews?


Yes. These are extremely rare cases. When something extreme happens involving the artist and the media wants to get the scoop and first interview with the artist, over other media outlets, then they will pay the artist to do an exclusive interview with them first. Again, it’s all about feeding the views what they want to see so they can come back for more.


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