How Indie #Rap Artists Make Money From Instagram


instagram cash


Social media is a fantastic outlet for artists to express themselves, connect with other influences with the music industry, and build new fans. What a lot of artists don’t realize is that it can also be a great way to make money. As far as an artist goes she/he can use social media as a platform to sell more music, merchandise, and concert tickets.

Like our most recent article 3 Ways To Make Money From Shows This article will deal with how indie rap artists can make money from Instagram.


Also Read: 5 Ways Rap Artists Make Money


How To Make Money on Instagram For Free

Since the inception of Instagram businesses and individuals have been using it to gain clout, attract viewers and followers, and also t monetize off of their popularity on the social networking app. There are a fee ways businesses make money Instagram and in order to do so they follow a few methods. These methods are even used by big reputable companies that pull in billions of dollars every year.

What I want to do is lay out these methods so you can mimic them, but from an artist’s perspective. Any indie artist can use this to pull in some major money from your Instagram traffic. Not only that but they can repeat this process several times, and continue to profit from it for the rest of their music career.


Also Read: How To Get More Followers On Instagram


Making Money From Instagram As An Artist

There are a few things you need to do in order to start making money from you Instagram followers. These methods are not get rich quick methods. But can be done over a period of time to get the most optimum results.


The Artist Instagram Cash Flow Methods:


1) Create A Buzz – Create a buzz around your artist Instagram page. A buzz will generate traffic to your profile. This traffic will be people who are interested in viewing and listening to your music.


2) Engage & Entice – Engage your followers in a way that informs them about your services and products. In this case it is your music and merchandise. This will build up trust and make it easier for your traffic to purchase whatever you sell.


3) Strategize Migration Of Traffic – Strategize and execute ways to take that traffic from your Instagram page to your music sales page or website. This is where the selling will be done. Sell your album, singles, mixtape, merchandise, and concert tickets.


4) Email Opt-In System – Set up an emailing opt-in form for your prospects and clients to fill out. This way you can keep them updated on new music, merchandise and concert ticket sale. We recommend you use the most affordable and effecting emailing system Benchmark Emailing Which is free for your first 2,000 subscribers!


5) Follow Up & Resell – This is a method imperative to your long-term financial success within the music industry. Always come up with a strategy to up-sell your products to fans who have already purchased you music or merchandise.

For example you can offer a bundle of merchandise + concert tickets for a higher price than your album. Or you can even offer it at a discount price. Just make sure that you are making a decent profit. You always want to be coming up with creative ways on how to make money from your Fan Emailing List.



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