RZA Receives Backlash From His Comments On Black People & Police Brutality

rza baclask on police brutality

Today a lot of hip hop fans felt troubled by the word that were said by rap legend RZA. Speaking with Bloomberg during an interview he implied that black people need to dress more properly in order for them not to get profiled by the police. I was even disappointed to hear him spew that out of his mouth. It’s mainly sad because RZA knows that black people are not profiled because of their clothes, but rather because of their skin.

There has been many black people during the Jim Crow era that were shot, hung, and beaten by police while wearing suites and dresses. Also there are many races like white and Asian that wear hoodies, baggy pans, and have their shorts hanging pass their rare-end, and still they don’t get harassed, stopped, or shot by police the way black people do. So RZA’s premise is flawed.

RZA should have known better not to say what he did knowing that he once was apart of the the most feared and most ghetto; dirty looking group in hip hop called the Wu-tang Clan.That’s how white people saw them as. They were seen as misfits.

Some of them wore braids, while others wore their hair out un-combed or un-cut. They wore ski masks in their videos and showed swords and bats as an image of intimidation. And if we were to ask a young RZA back then to stop dressing like a little kid, stop dressing like a bum, have more respect for the way that you dress or the cops will shoot you. RZA would probably tell us to F*ck off, and also say that he can dress however he feels like. After all it’s his clothes that he bought with his own money right? So why is he telling us how to dress then?

The fact of the matter is it’s not black people’s dress code that scares police and white people. It’s the constant harsh portrayal of black people in the movies, magazine’s and some music that terrifies everyone. The media will take one story and over hype it to a point beyond belief. So when you see someone who looks like who the media portrays as a threat to society, you get scared and want to shoot that person, or arrest them for fear of your life. It’s sad but true.

What we are dealing with here is not a dress code issue. It’s way beyond what an individual is wearing. We are dealing with a racial issue. We are dealing with white supremacy and it’s systemic nastiness.

We are dealing with classicism. Those who live in better neighborhoods frowning upon those who live in poor neighborhoods. Even RZA is showing a hint of prejudice towards his own kind by saying that black people must sharpen up and dress properly in order to not get killed by a cop. This is judging someone’s clothes and not their behavior. Just like the cop judges a black person’s skin color before assessing anything else.

We find that most black people who come from poor neighborhoods act different when they start getting money. They move up to a big house on the hills, get acquainted with more white folks, and start looking down on black people. They start forgetting they too were once poor and secluded from the upper class society.

My thing is this. You can get rich and live in a better neighborhood. You can buy all the cars you want and start buying your groceries at Whole Foods. That’s all fine by me live a rich life. But when it comes to talking about black issues, if you have nothing positive or constructive to say about the situation, or something that will help aid the people in getting more jobs, building a more solid family structure, or providing more education; Just shut the F8ck up!

Your comments are not needed or appreciated. Live your quiet life in suburbia until you pass away, and let those who are serious about dealing with contributing real ideas on how to get rid of white supremacy and racial profile step up and talk.

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