So Suede – Im In Tune

So Suede is a very versatile entertainer from the southwest part of Louisiana and has become a dominate force in his city and region by reaching out to his supporters not only in my music but in his ideas for a better future for our youth.

The idea of a company called Business Minds LLC (@WeBusinessMinds) was put into play and was later licensed and trademarked by him to solidify his pursuit for a better future. So Suede has a really uniqe style which sounds like a mix of Devin the Dude, Ray Cash, Andre 3000, and Kid Cudi. So needless to say his music is very different from the rest.

Music has always been an influential aspect in his life being raised in the south by a very musical inspired family. So at a very young age he was inspired by a few musical genres and learned to pick up a tune by ear. If someone would ask him why he chooses entertainment as a career he would almost always answer them by saying… “MUSIC is in the HEART and your HEART goes with all the MUSIC just pursue it”

So Suede has literally started branding himself by repeating a quote that he lives by on a daily aspect which is #ImInTuneHowBoutU? which is a way of life to him that means your always aware of the next step to be taken in life by watching the role of your peers, competition, and haters.

So get #InTune with SO SUEDE

Here’s two of my new single I included the link to my video for one also…
#ImInTune Official Video -SO SUEDE-
twitter: @SoSuede
facebook: L.J. So Suede

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