Why Is There So Much Homophobia In Hip Hop?

ll-cool-j-gay-scandal__oPtYou absolutely have to love the show “Stereo Types.” The address a wide variety of topics. This episode deals with homophobia. Did the white man bring homosexuality to Africa? Who is “the gay rapper”? Would homophobes prefer to be around lesbians or gay men? We dig deep for answers to these pressing questions.

My Thoughts On The Topic

Hip Hop views homosexuality in a negative way. This is because in the hip hop culture they’re taught to love as many women as they can, and frown upon men who sleep with men.

For the most part the men who rap think that their man hood is measured by how many women they sleep with, so if you go against that way of thinking you are considered soft or a “wuss,” even worst a “faggot.” But it goes beyond hip hop.

The culture that most of us black people are raised in teaches us to despise homosexuality. The majority of us who are black and are apart of the hip hop culture grew up either Christians or Black Muslims, and the doctrines that are apart of these two religions tell us that homosexuality is a sin and wrong. Most of our families would tell us they would never speak to us again if we ever became homosexual. So imagine growing up hearing all of this on a daily basis in your house hold, church, school, and neighborhood. It would make you hate homosexuals wouldn’t it? People are not born to hate, they are taught to hate, so please understand that most rappers and individuals from urban communities have been taught to dislike seeing these types of behaviors. I was even that way until I matured in age and knowledge.

Those within the hip hop community that are homophobic need to learn how to be secure in their own skin, and not be intimidated by others who have different preferences than they do. We were all created to be different and to like different things, if someone has a different preference that you and it does not effect your life in any way, it shouldn’t bother you! Gay people are not taking over and will not rule the world as some silly conspiracy theorists may think. There will always be an overwhelmingly part of the population that is straight, and will produce their own offspring.

In order to move the hip hop culture, and black culture forward, we need to advance the same rate as society. When it comes to issues like homophobia we are way behind in our understanding of it, and why people choose to be with a person. Love shows no color or gender and we need understand that. Only then can we lift up this weight of hate out of our minds, and take our true place in society as Kings and Queens.



Written by : James Green

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