5 Absolute Worst Ways To Promote Your Music



bad promotion habits



Today we will be addressing some of The Worst Ways To Promote Your Music. Many new artists have some of the worst promo habits due to lack of education on how to effectively promote their music. Promoting your music in the right way can ultimately lead to your success. The better you promote your music the more success you will have in more people discovering it. As we have said many times it’s all about visibility.


The problem lies in artists not knowing how to effectively promote their music due to them having little to no knowledge on the process. After all marketing and promoting is not the field of an artist. An Artist’s main job is to create music and entertain, so he/ she not knowing how to plan and execute a proper promotion strategy for their music is normal.


Recently we wrote on how any Music Artist Can Have Success On Social Media What we have done is put together a list of ways an artist should not use to promote their music. This will encourage them to stay away from these methods and avoid some of the pitfalls that are preventing them from getting their music in  front of a wider audience.


5) Spamming Your Music On Social Media – We all have seen this type of artists. As soon as he/she creates a song or mixtape and uploads it to Soundcloud, the take that link and spam it all over social media. Saying “Check out my new mixtape.” or “This new single is heat I, sound like the new Lil Wayne!!.”

This has no effect whatsoever on getting you plays or downloads because no one is yet familiar with who you are. No one has seen your features on blogs or magazines. No one has hear you on the radio or seen you perform consistently to know who you are.

First raise you clout. Be visible to people on a consistent basis and they will become familiar with your music. And that familiarity will have them like, comment on, play, download and buy your music




failed-promotion4) Sending Demos To Record Labels – Guys seriously this is a very outdated way to get the attention of record labels. Even back in the day sending demos to record labels was rarely effective.

You send in your demo and it went into a huge bin with the rest of the artist’s demo submission, and thrown into the garbage truck at the end of the month.




Now that the industry has moved towards Digital Music Promotion , artist find more successful sending their demos to records that way. So get into the new wave of things and stop sending physical demos.



3) Handing Out Mixtapes Every Where You Go – It’s pretty embarrassing to see a rapper stand in front of the mall handing out his mixtape. This is failed marketing at it’s best. Even worst you see these guys in front of stores, at the take out restaurants, in school, at church and the list goes on. Like come on bro we don’t want you to bother us with claims on how “Hot” your mixtape supposedly is.

Stop pestering people! This is not the way to promote your music. Have some respect for yourself. STOP IT. You’re embarrassing yourself because CD’s are dead! No one sells music out their trunk anymore! This ain’t 1995. Please get yourself together.



2) Shameless Mixtape Plugs – Last week I was watching the news and a guy on it was getting arrested. The reporter asked him why he tried to rob the store. His only words were “Buy My Mixtape Now, It’s on Itunes.” There was a similar case a few months ago when the new Jordan’s came out.

The reporter was covering the long line up at the mall for the new Jordan release. She came up to a guy and asked him how long he had been in line. He said “For 7 Hours. But yo go stream my mixtape on Soundcloud.”

This is funny but it’s true. Any shameless plug new artists can get, they take it. But this method of promotion reaps no benefits. It’s not an intelligent way to promote your music that’s why it doesn’t produce any results. So stop doing it.




free marketing tips1) Wanting Free Promotion – Many artist contact us wanting free music promotion. This is awkward because our business is marketing and promotion, if we started to promote artists for free we wouldn’t be in business for long. I have heard Dj’s and producers say the same thing. Artists always want a hook up. 

We do help artist out a lot by giving away free helpful information on the site and in our newsletter. And also by featuring them on our site. That’s free! But our Music Marketing Services are under paid plans.



Asking for a hook up to a premium service is not a valuable way to promote your music. It will actually strain you music industry contacts. So stop doing it.



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