Artists Want To Ban Fans From Video Recording At Concerts

apple patents technology to block video recording


The landscape of going to see your favorite artist perform; and recording the whole experience on your hand held device is about to change. Technology is both progressing and hurting the way artist want to deliver their music while performing. More and more artists are speaking out against the increasing amount of people video recording them while performing, and putting it up on YouTube or any where else on the net before they get to. This hurts artists in a few ways.


1. They don’t get a chance to brand and monetize the video recording of their shows by putting it together in DVD format and selling it

2. It can lead to a decrease in ticket sales. Once fans see it online they may think there is no need to go see it live since they’ve already seen it online

3. Seeing the video of the show online may ruin it for others who have already bought tickets to go see the artist perform live

4. It encourages others to record the show also. This leads to hundreds of people filming shows making the problem more worst than it is

5. Ruins the experience for fans. While fans are there recording they are missing the live experience of the performance. Not only that, but the fans who choose to not record the show are distracted by those who do.

They can’t see much of the show because there are hundreds of hands in the air with devices recording and blocking their views


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So you can see how all of this can be an issue to not only artist but fans who want to go and enjoy the performance without being distracted by those who are recording the show. The fans who are recording the performance will argue they’re just having fun and want to use the recording to upload to their social media to brag to friends and followers that they went to a concert.


They also say that things have changed since the advent of recording apps on phones and fans now want to record shows. Some fans don’t mind because they remember a time when they use to go to concerts and enjoy the moment without recording anything, and the night was just as fun.


They are right things have changed since the advent of video recording apps on phones, but what they need to keep in mind is that music and the performance of it is copyright material, and the artist has a right to prevent anyone at their show from recording them perform! And this is what’s happening now.


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A lot of artists are growing weary of concert goers recording their performances, and are taking measures to prevent them from doing so. Apple Inc. says it has a patent on technology that can disable phone cameras at specific locations in and around the concert venue.


This is to prevent people from recording the shows. And also another company called Yondr that makes pouches to hold and lock away people’s phones during shows.



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ban fans from recording at concertsOur take on the whole thing is that people should have the right to do what they want with their phones, and not feel forced like they have to put something on their phones that blocks their camera from recording or taking pictures.

But at the same time fans recording performances are getting out of hand. people are obstructing the view of others just to record a performance to put it up on social media to show off to their followers.


Just like people have a right to do as they wish with their phones, people who actually paid big money to see a show should be able to see it without a hundreds people blocking their view with their recording devices.


The issue with recording an artists performance which is copy right material, the artist has the right not to let you film his/her performance. it’s that simple and there is no way around it. If an artists enforces the prevention of you recording the show by using a device from Apple Inc. or Yondr then the enforcement stands. The only thing you can do about it is comply or not go to the show.


YouTube and other sites do have a process where an artist can submit a DMCA take down request of their videos if they’re not the ones who put it up. but many people have found ways to edit the video in such a way that sites like YouTube can’t detect the original video or song of an artist.

We’ll just have t wait and see what happens with the roll out of these technologies and how many artist want to apply them to their shows. If enough artists show favor in using these technologies then the aforementioned companies that are providing these products can make a lot of money, and also take pride in providing a needed service for these artists.



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